September 23-27
This week we began talking about Fall/Autumn. Students shared about the changes they are seeing outside. We noticed that the leaves are changing colours and falling off of branches. During Exploration Time, some students chose to use loose parts to create an image of Fall/Autumn.
On Monday, we had another visit from Jeff Stockton who is a storyteller working with our school. He is helping us realize that we all have great ideas that come from our imagination. We can then take those great ideas and create stories.
We continued learning about sorting. Students worked in groups to sort our math counters.
I introduced The Zones Of Regulation. This is a program used to help students recognize how they are feeling and be able to name the feeling. We specifically talked about the Green Zone. When we are in the Green Zone, we might feel happy, calm, focused and ready to learn. Students drew a picture in their visual journals about what makes them happy.
We talked about how to be safe during a fire drill. It is important to stop what you are doing when you hear the fire alarm, line up and follow the teacher outside without talking.
Next week:
- Introduction to Red Zone (Angry/Mad)
- Story telling with Jeff Stockton on Tuesday and Thursday
- Evening with our story teller Jeff Stockton 6:00-7:30 pm for students and their families
- Friday, October 4 AM class attends 9:10-1:20
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