Friday, September 13, 2019

We have just completed our first full week of kindergarten!

September 9-13

This week in kindergarten was all about routines. Students learned how to be a kindergarten student who takes care of their things, helps others in the classroom and who listens and learns.

This week:

We read the story The Pigeon Has To Go To School by Mo Willems. The students enjoyed listening to the story and sharing if they felt similar to how the Pigeon felt when they had to go to school.

We also read a story called Sharing Time by ElizabethVerdick. We discussed how we feel good when we share and when others share with us. Students then drew a picture of things in our classroom that they could share.   

Great news! We have a classroom pet. It is a betta fish who the students have proudly named Fishy Bubbles.

Next week:
- Parent/Teacher conferences all day on Thursday and Friday. There are no regular kindergarten classes on these days. Please book you conference times
- Students will complete an art project based on the story In the Tall, tall Grass by Denise Fleming

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