Friday, January 31, 2020

Week 19: Home Reading is coming!

January 27-30

This week students continued to work on their My Little Snowman books. Our books are now complete and they will come home sometime next week. My assessment included watching to see if students can independently: find their work tools, work independently, ask for help if needed, copy print and retell a familiar story. Students showed so much joy while working on completing their booklets as they did their best work.

Students had the chance to colour/cut a letter to spell the title Elmer in the Snow for our bulletin board display. We then added some white paint splatter to give the illusion that it was snowing on our display.

We are preparing to begin bringing home some books to read with our families. Students will bring home a Ziploc bag with a letter that discusses ways to read with your child, a recording sheet for the books they read and a list of a few kindergarten sight words. Please let me know if you have any questions about Home Reading. My hope is that these books are enjoyed by both the parents and the students as they begin to see themselves as a reader.

- Please be sure your child always has warm clothes so that when we go outside, they are prepared
- Return all library books each week

Next week:
- We will discuss measurement
- Letter focus on Q
- Number focus on 7

Friday, January 24, 2020

Week 18: My Little Snowman

January 20-24

This week students began working on a paper copy of a book called My Little Snowman. While working on completing this book, students are learning that we read from left to right, that the words and pictures match and how to copy words to complete a sentence. When finished, students will bring home their books to read to their family.

For the past few weeks, kindergarten has been introduced to a sight word each week. So far we have learned the, is and I. We practice reading, spelling and using the word in a sentence. We will soon begin our home reading program and the sight words we are learning are in many beginning reader books.

On Friday, students enjoyed hearing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We reviewed what a character in a story is. Students chose their favourite character and placed it on a chart to compare the results. A copy of the story and some story props will be placed at the Story Telling Corner for students to practice re-telling the story.

During Buddies, the students talked about setting and looked for examples in books that the grade 4s brought to kindergarten.

Next week:
- Sight word: can
- Continue working on My Little Snowman book
- Outside winter walk Wednesday (If the weather is suitable)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Week 17: Write the room!

January 13  -17

On Monday, students were challenged to find 12 winter words around the classroom and write them down. We call this activity Write The Room! Many children were able to find and copy at least 9 words. Copying print is an expectation we are working on in kindergarten.

We began writing in a journal this week. Students were asked to draw a picture, print their name and print letters or a sentence to explain their drawing. We will write in our journals weekly. Students can write about any topic. The are also able to use words they find in the classroom.

Sight word of the week was: Is
Last week we worked on the word The

Next week:
- My Little Snowman Book (Students will learn to "read" this beginning reader book and copy missing words to complete the sentence.
- Ordering items from smallest to tallest
- Representing numbers from 1-10 in a mixed up order

Friday, January 10, 2020

Week 16: Representing Numbers!

Jan. 13-17

This week I challenged the students to identify a number represented in different ways and match it to the numeral. Next week, we will check for correctness and tally how many for each number.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday . . . Kindergarten is practicing saying the days of the week in order. You can say the days of the week or sing them with your child to help them learn the order.

We tried to fill a whole page with Numbers I Know and Letters I know. This helps students realize that they know and can print a lot of numbers and letters. We will take this new confidence and begin working in a journal.

I reviewed the idea of character and setting in stories. We used the story of The Three Little Pigs to discuss these concepts. The book and sequencing cards will be placed at the Story Telling Corner so that students can practice re-telling the story in order.

On Friday, our grade 4 buddies read a story to their kindergarten buddy and sketched/labeled the main character.

Next week:
- Read Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal
- On Wednesday, we will welcome a student teacher in her first year at Mount Royal University
- Tuesday is library day. Please return all library books