Friday, November 1, 2019

Week 8: Bats! Creatures of the Night!

October 28th - 31st

Bat inquiry:
This week we browsed both fiction and non-fiction books about bats. We then asked students:
What do you know about bats? What do you want to know about bats? Students answered the question what do bats eat? by looking at images in books. 


During buddy time with the grade fours, we sketched pumpkin shapes and then added eyes, a nose and mouth using basic shapes.

During exploration time students are invited to work on activities using playdough. Rolling, squishing, pounding and flattening playdough works the small muscles in the students' hands. This strengthening helps build endurance for printing and other fine motor activities. At home, you may want to play using playdough with your child. You can challenge them to make the letters of their name.

Next week:
- Letter inquiry 
- Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
- Remembrance Day (We will create a poppy wreath and talk about the importance remembering)
- Buddy time: Read the book I am Peace by Susan Verde
- Math Night at Ranchlands November 7  at 6:00-7:30
- Friday, November 8 AM students attend

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