Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 12: It feels like winter!

November 25-29

On Monday, students created a name plate for our alphabet wall using thin markers to make colour patterns.

On Wednesday, students created a winter scene drawing for our grade 4 buddies. We used a white crayon on a blue background. We brainstormed things we see in the winter and then created our winter drawings.

Dice games are a great way to learn to subitize (seeing the set a knowing how many). This week we played a game where we rolled a die and found the corresponding number to also practice identifying the number 1-6. Please check out this video to see some examples of subitizing:

Next week:
- I will ask students to think about how they are unique
- Focus on letter Ee (sound/printing)
- #6 (How many ways can we show number 6?)

- Please be sure to return library books each week. Many students have 2 books overdue
- Dress for the weather. We do go outside on some days and we need to make sure everyone is dressed warmly
- Please leave all toys at home
- If your child makes a pattern at home, please take a photo and email it to me at

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 11: Sharing what we have learned

November 18 - 22

This week kindergarten has worked diligently to complete some of their work tasks to share with families during parent/teacher conferences on Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22. Please be sure to take time to have your child share their work with you during conferences. There is a book fair set up in the Learning Commons on Thursday and Friday.

We continued to work on patterning this week. We made patterns with colours, counters, our voices and our bodies. Last week I challenged families to create a pattern at home and bring it to school to share. One student used coloured bingo markers to create a pattern and then wrote the corresponding letters to identify their pattern.

On Wednesday, students were able to dress as their favourite book character. I chose to dress up as the cat in the hat. I love how Dr. Seuss uses rhyming and silly words in his stories that make his books so fun and engaging for students. Some students chose to dress as the very hungry caterpillar, Fancy Nancy, and a ninja to name a few.

Next week:
- Name art created by a pattern
- Representing numbers in different ways
- The season of Fall sequencing
- Library AM Thursday & PM Tuesday

Friday, November 15, 2019

Week 10: It's all about the Alphabet

November 12-15

This week students worked on discovering what words start with the first letter of their name.  We looked in books and used alphabet flash cards to choose and copy words. This work is part of our alphabet inquiry focus. Play a game with your child to see how many words you can come up with together that start with the first letter of their name.

On Wednesday during buddies, the grade 4s interviewed the kindergarten students and recorded their answers. Then the grade 4s helped the kindergarten buddies to ask and record questions for their buddy. It was wonderful to see the grade 4s show support and leadership towards the kindergarten students. Some grade 4s had the kindergarten student trace their words or made dots for them to help in recording the answers.

We have introduced the concept of pattern. We can use our bodies to make patterns (clap,snap,clap,snap . . .) We can create patterns from household items (fork,spoon,fork,spoon . . .)
We can use words (hello,goodbye,hello,goodbye . . .) Have some fun with your child and make some patterns together. If you or your child write down the pattern, have them bring it to school to share.

-No kindergarten on Thurs., November 21 and Friday, November 22 as we have parent teacher conferences. Please be sure to book a conference time. Your child should attend the conference with you if possible. This is a celebration of their learning.
- Wednesday, November 20th is dress as your favourite book character

Friday, November 8, 2019

Week 9: We Remember

November 4 - 8

We continued with our bat inquiry this week. We studied how bats look and coloured a template using the colours that we see bats are in nature. Students enjoyed hearing the story of Stellaluna. After reading the story we talked about the differences and similarities between birds and bats. We will have a centre with story props for students to retell the story using new vocabulary that we have learned.


As a class, we talked about the reasons why we wear a poppy and what Remembrance Day is all about. Each student made a poppy to place on a wreath. 

We read I Am Peace by Todd Parr and connected Remembrance Day to the idea of being peaceful.

On Friday, we created a collage of our favorite colour using different types of materials exploring different shades.

Next week:
- What begins with my letter?
- November self portrait
- What do I know about bats?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Week 8: Bats! Creatures of the Night!

October 28th - 31st

Bat inquiry:
This week we browsed both fiction and non-fiction books about bats. We then asked students:
What do you know about bats? What do you want to know about bats? Students answered the question what do bats eat? by looking at images in books. 


During buddy time with the grade fours, we sketched pumpkin shapes and then added eyes, a nose and mouth using basic shapes.

During exploration time students are invited to work on activities using playdough. Rolling, squishing, pounding and flattening playdough works the small muscles in the students' hands. This strengthening helps build endurance for printing and other fine motor activities. At home, you may want to play using playdough with your child. You can challenge them to make the letters of their name.

Next week:
- Letter inquiry 
- Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
- Remembrance Day (We will create a poppy wreath and talk about the importance remembering)
- Buddy time: Read the book I am Peace by Susan Verde
- Math Night at Ranchlands November 7  at 6:00-7:30
- Friday, November 8 AM students attend