Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 25: Saying Goodbye to winter!

March 9-13

This week students worked on a winter wonderland piece of artwork. This piece of artwork has many layers and students have been working diligently to create their individual pieces. We will create a bulletin board display outside our hallway as our pieces are complete. Much of our discussion has been around where animals go in winter and we have created a class mural where each student has placed an animal either over or under the snow.

We began new math centres. Students are working in small groups and will rotate through the centres practicing to identify 2D and 3D shapes and printing numerals.

I reviewed many times this week how to cough and sneeze into our arm so that we help to limit the spread of germs.We take time to wash and or sanitize our hands frequently through out our day. During our announcements today we watched a video on hand washing with soap and discussed that hand washing should take at least 20 seconds or the singing of Happy Birthday two times. 

- No kindergarten on Thursday, March 19 or Friday, March 20th
- Parent teacher conferences have been postponed

Next week:
- Create letters for our bulletin board display of winter art work pieces
- Focus on the number 8
- Collecting ideas for new centres after Spring Break

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 24: Over and Under the Snow

March 2-6

This week students and I read Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner. We looked at the illustrations and talked about the animals and landscapes. Through reading this story, we began talking about where animals go in the winter. Students shared some of their ideas before and after reading the story. We are creating a mural in the classroom of a winter wonderland and then we will add some animals in the coming days. Interesting vocabulary to talk with your child about:  camouflage, hibernate, over, under, glide etc.

The afternoon class has been practicing basketball skills. We began bouncing a basketball with two hands and then have progressed to bouncing the ball switching hands. We are now practicing passing to a friend with one bounce. Many students had trouble at the beginning of our basketball unit but are now successful with beginning skills. We talked about how important practice is and a good attitude.

On Friday, we painted a background for a winter landscape and will add tree details, snow and animals this week. Students were free to choose their background design and colours.

- We have asked that all students at Ranchlands School only eat the snack/lunch that their family has sent for them. Some students have allergies and some parents want their children to only eat certain foods. Pleas talk with your child about the importance of only eating their own food.

- Please return all book orders by March 10. There are some class favourites for sure.

- Please return all library books before each weekly visit. We have a lot of overdue books.

Next Week:
- New math centres

- Adding details to winter landscape