Friday, February 28, 2020

Week 23: Pink Shirt Day!

February 24-28

We have now concluded our first round of math centres. We will begin a new round of centres next week. The new centres will include working with 2 Dimensional shapes and counting and printing numerals.

A new Table Time activity is for students to type out "passwords" that include numbers and letters on a detached keyboard. Students also may choose to find and type the letters of their name and the name of their friends.

Wednesday, Feb. 26 was Pink Shirt Day. We read the story called Big Bad Bully and talked about how we can be a friend and what to do if you meet a bully.

Now that the weather is a bit warmer, we will try to go outside occasionally. We will look and listen for signs of our current season and the next season. 

- Please be sure your child has warm clothing and boots for when we go outside
- Return all library books
- Exchange home reading

Next week:
- Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright (story sequencing)
- Animals in Winter (What do animals do in the winter?)
- Buddies on Friday

Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 22: 100th day of school!

February 18-21

This week we celebrated being at school for 100 days! We did 100 exercises! Kindergarten did 10 groups of 10 exercises and practiced counting by 10s.

Kindergarten solved a math story problem this week. Students read a short story problem all together, drew a picture, coloured a ten frame, wrote an equation and counted on a number line to show how many in all. At home, you can make up some story problems to do orally with your child. If you would like to write the story problem down, please do and then send in a copy to school for us to share.


On Friday kindergarten read the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We talked about how the story has been around for a very long time. There are different endings depending on how the author wanted to end the story. After reading and discussing the story, students completed a sequencing activity to use to retell the story.

Next week:
- Pink shirt day is Wednesday - Anti Bullying day! Students can were a pink shirt
- Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright
- Library day is on Tuesday and students will bring home their books on Wednesday - Please return any library books

Friday, February 14, 2020

Week 21: A Quick Week

Feb. 10, 11, 12

We have been engaging in some group math centres. Our centres included:

- Cards (Players turn over a card. The player with the largest number keeps the cards)
- Roll and Build Up (Roll a die. Put that many blocks together and place it on the number)
- Domino Parking Lot

- 10 frame Rocket Ships (Colour the matching number on squares on a ten frame)
- Explore 3D Shapes

On Wednesday, we celebrated Kindness Day. We read the book Bear's New Friend by Jacqueline Mitchell. Students told me what it means to be kind and a good friend:

" We can share."
" We can ask for a turn and wait."
" We can let people sit with us." 

Next week:
- Practice printing our names with a capital only on the first letter
- 100th Day of School (We will do 100 exercises in groups of 10)
- Learn about vowels (A,E,I,O,U)

Friday, February 7, 2020

Week 20: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

February 3 - 7

- Since the beginning of kindergarten, we have been practicing knowing where to find our work tools (pencils, crayons, glue sticks etc.). We also practice cleaning up and pushing in chairs. At this time of year, it is amazing to see that most students are independent in beginning work quickly and then transitioning to cleaning up when our work is complete. In kindergarten, we talk a lot about team work. We help others when we see they need something and even if we didn't make a mess, we help to clean up everything.

- We have spent some time on practicing letter formation using whiteboards and journals. When possible, printing/writing is through authentic tasks. This means that students recognize a need to write something down for a reason that is important to them. They may make a list of words they see in the classroom or write down their friend's names.

- This week, we began taking books home to read at home. The reading can be done with a parent, Aunt/Uncle, older sibling etc. It should only take about 10 mins. to talk about the book, look at the pictures, read the book while your child repeats the words and then record the title. If you are not able to do the home reading some evenings, it's ok. Please do the Home Reading when you have time and return to school for a new book.

- On Friday Jan. 24 and Feb. 7, students heard the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We then chose our favourite character and placed it on a graph. Students noticed that both AM and PM classes had some of the same totals. This activity gave us the opportunity to talk about fewer/less, greater/more and equal.

Next week:
- Our school Me to We Club is having a bake sale. Kindergarten will have the chance to buy a baked good on Tuesday, Feb. 11 All of the money collected will be donated to Ronald McDonald House.
- On Wednesday, if students choose to they can bring a Valentine card for all the students in the class (17 morning & 19 afternoon). They can just print their name on the card but they do not need to print all the other student's names. If you want to send a special snack in your child's lunch that is ok but please do not send any threats for the other students.
No school Thursday, Friday (Teacher's Convention) and Monday (Family Day)